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Reasons to slow down this summer

June 1st marks the beginning of “Meteorological summer”…. So even if the summer solstice has not yet arrived (21st of June) the seasonal changes are felt with the increasing heat and longer days of sunlight.  We love this time of year…. More energy – more activities in the out-of-doors….we feel excited, happy and alive.

A well know meditation and yoga teacher (Ashley Turner) points out that our busy culture is rooted in doing what’s next on our ‘to-do’ list and to many of us “slow” is a dirty word.  She reminds us how “easy it is to feel as though our inner value is inextricably linked to our outer productivity”… but, she points out, “when you begin to unwind, relax and slow down, you’ll feel the heaviness of working all the time give way to feelings of lightness.”  She has given us 7 reason why we might want to ease up on that ‘to-do’ list, give ourselves permission to do less (or nothing at all) and use meditation to help take a breather this summer!

7 Reasons to relax and meditate this Summer:

1.     You’ll feel less anxious and worried about “what’s next.”  Meditation has been shown to ease stress and worry, so you can be more present right now.

2.     You’ll be a better listener for family, friends, and co-workers (you may even hear what they’re saying when you stop texting).  Meditation teaches you to pause before reacting, which often leads to more awareness and better listening with the people in your life.

3.     You may suddenly see the stranger that is right in front of you.  Meditation teaches compassion, which opens your mind and heart to others.

4.     You’ll feel the sand between your toes at the beach or the breeze of the mountain air.  Meditation helps you let go of the incessant chatter in your head, so you can enjoy the summer break for real.

5.     You’ll finally digest your food and get a good night’s sleep.  Meditation has been shown to help you sleep better and be more mindful at meals.

6.     You’ll have more time to truly focus on your kids.  Meditation helps you focus more on what matters most to you.

7.     You’ll feel the power of not “sweating the small stuff”.  Meditation help you quiet your mind and stop playing the same stories over and over again, and this helps you let go of the things that are holding you back.

Find some quiet time this summer, to slow down and take a break.  Listening to some guided, calming meditations (on several different apps you can download onto your phone)—if you have not been in the habit of meditating on your own.  Relax, enjoy the summer months, stay present and mindful of what’s going on around you.  Remember all of those summer memories we are creating for ourselves and those close to us.  Happy June, Namaste’







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