It's the most wonderful time of the Year!
December 2023
The fall leaves are all on the ground and that certain sadness created in the fall season -- has now turned to excitement and busyness of this shopping/gift giving/party/holiday season . Eventually the winter solstice will draw us deeper inward as our lives and world around us get colder, slower and into hibernation mode…before the spring returns with renewal and longer days.
Once our “Winter Solstice” is celebrated on the 21st ……It’s the processes of moving forward, we begin to emerge from the dark cycle of the year – and the days begin to lengthen once again. Our path may change, the direction in our lives may change….we may set new goals for ourselves….”intentions” or “New Year’s Resolutions”. Remember, change is good, deciding what has been working for us and what hasn’t. We need to encourage a time of letting go of what no longer serves us and cut that out of our lives…. and create that uplifting energy and hopefulness of moving forward.
Enjoy the holidays, whether you celebrate…Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, Bodhi Day, or any number of special celebrations with your ‘tribe.’ It’s a time of celebration, honoring, feasting, and being with family and friends. Finish up those items, still on your “finish before the end of the year list”. I look forward to seeing you on your mat, or in one of my other classes at the Caldwell YMCA. This is one of my ‘most favorite’ times of the year….we will continue to energize and strengthen minds, bodies and emotions together. Namaste’
