February is for Love....
Opening hearts and bodies in classes at the Caldwell YMCA this month. We promote our once a year fund raising with our Annual Campaign. Deb's yoga classes at the Y will be filled with opening hearts and Heart Chakra flows this month; while Pilates continues strengthening and lengthening the muscles of your core; Silver Sneakers can enjoy fun, fitness and friends... together in our classes that are open to everyone (not just seniors!)
Debbie is opening her heart and home to friends and students for a Valentine's Day coffee on Saturday, the 13th at her home in Caldwell. This is 2-fold, as we host the opening of our new Bed & Breakfast and take the opportunity to thank and appreciate my students and friends with providing my favorite way to celebrate this month.....sweet treats and chocolate. Actually, in promoting my newest venture as a hostess for (AirBnB) The Platt House Bed & Breakfast, it gives everyone the opportunity to come by and have a look, and taste the goodies that will be available as part of the "Breakfast" portion of our B&B....and I can celebrate with my friends! So mark the date on your calendar and come on over and drop in and see our historical home between 2:00pm and 5:00pm on Saturday, the 13th of February... @ 1421 Dearborn Street in Caldwell.
February also opens up opportunities for teachers and friends in the Caldwell community to come and try Yoga with DebO .... away from the Y. Starting Tuesday, the 2nd of February, there is a yoga class at the Lewis and Clark Elementary School (google it for directions) in Caldwell from 4:00pm - 5:00pm every Tuesday & Thursday in February... and maybe beyond....(depending on how many people are interested). So don't delay...if you are not a member of the Y and often thought of trying "Yoga"... let me be the first to introduce it to you... or continue your practice with us and try some new techniques. We'll be doing some basic yoga flows, as well as restorative and therapuetic sequences for healing and learning to relax and relieve stress and tension in the body. The cost is only $5.00 a class. (I'd like you to pay at the beginning of the month - so you have incentive to return! <smile>) Most drop-in yoga classes at studios run about $15.00 for drop in.. and to have yoga brought to you at your location... is even more. Take advantage of this opportunity for this small group that allows for more individual attention. You will love it, I promise! It ismy gift to YOU!
Have a fabulous month of love....and may every day be filled with gratitude and chocolate cookies! Love, DebO
