Free Yoga Class
FREE Yoga classes during Spring break week!
If you are enjoying “Spring Break” this week here in Caldwell…. Then grab your friends and come on out to the Caldwell Industrial Airport. There will be 2 Free Yoga classes open to the public …..Tuesday March 25th & Thursday, March 27th @ 4:15pm in the new Airport terminal building in Caldwell, Idaho.
From the “McDonald’s” Intersection in Caldwell (Caldwell-Nampa Blvd. & Linden), drive East out Linden over the railroad tracks and out to the Airport. The first right hand turn after you pass under the I-84 leads you to the Airport café (skip that!)…. If you drive further (about ¼ mile) your next right turn will be right into the parking lot of the large building with lots of glass windows. Come in the second set of large doors and the room is on the left! No one else is in there except us Yogis and we will be video-taping these 2 sessions… so tip toe in quietly if you are running late (and make sure your cell phones are turned off, PLEASE!). Tuesday will offer a very gentle, beginning type flow and Thursday will be much more intense with focus on a de-tox practice. Feel free to bring friends and join in for an hour with us (since the Caldwell schools will be closed, and that’s where we normally practice on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.) Any questions?.....just send me a message right here on my web page.
Enjoy Spring Break in southern Idaho!