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Muffin Recipe

Hi gang... here is the recipe you all have been asking for. You can choose to make it with granulated sugar as the original recipe indicates; or substitute with honey, agave or natural Stevia. I mix about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of Stevia (which is much sweeter than reg. sugar) with a little honey. If you use a lot of honey or Agave, then you won't need the 2 TAB. of milk. Although... you might want the milk to make these muffins a little easier to mix up. The batter will be pretty thick and a little dry. If you make mini muffins... only bake for 10 -12 minutes instead of the 15-18 which is regular size. Have fun with this new flour... labeled "Flax and Ancient Grains All Purpose" at Costco. about $14 for a 5lb bag! I'm sure you can substitute any other recipe with this flour.... good luck and post a comment here if you try a recipe with the flour.... we'd all love to hear about it!


Sugar Free and Wheat free muffins

½ cup soft butter * 1 cup Sugar (or sweetener)·

½ tsp. baking powder * 1/2 teas. Baking soda·

¼ tstp. Salt *1 tsp. vanilla·

2 tablsp. milk * 2 eggs·

2 cups all-purpose gluten free flour * 3 medium mashed bananasI

substitute (Sugar) with 1/2 cup Stevia and ½ cup of applesauce …or play with the ingredients and use some Agave or honey in place of Stevia (or add honey to the Stevia). Add in about a cup of chopped pecans… or walnuts! yum*** mix well, fill muffin cups 2/3 full and bake @ 375* for 15-18 minutes

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