September brings change....
Change is in the air… The Autumnal Equinox (equal day and night) will arrive on Saturday, the 22nd of September. We begin that...

The Dog Days of Summer
We can’t escape the heat of summer…. So we slow things down…. Our practices in yoga continue to be slow and focused, nurturing to mind,...

After the 4th of July
I always feel, like the 4th of July is the absolute middle of summer. We have worked up to this point to plant our gardens, invigorate...
June 2018
DebO is on vacation in the humid East coast areas of our country.... she will return to teaching at the Caldwell YMCA on Monday the...

May kicks off our Wine & yoga events....
Our first wine and yoga event is scheduled for Sunday, the 20th of May at 10:00am at Hells Canyon Winery in Sunny-slope. I understand...

April showers.....
Brings the flowers....The earth is in renewal.... nature is melting and releasing energy into the plants, trees, humans and yes, the...

…”comes in like a lion….and out like a lamb”…. Or so the old saying goes. The weather seems to always be unpredictable in the spring,...

February is all about Love
Opening hearts and bodies in classes at the Caldwell YMCA this month. We promote our once a year fund raising with our Annual Campaign. ...

Happy New Year 2018
Happy New Year 2018 In this winter season… the cold, and the wetness has settled in and we are moving from Vata season to Kapha season,...

It's Christmas Time... again...
I'm recycling an old post from last Christmas... because it's relevant and when your life is busy, it's difficult to find the time to...