March 2020
March comes in like a Lion.... and brings..."International Women's Day" on the 8th.... a Full Super "Worm" moon on the 9th...St....

February 2020
.“Believe in your heart that you’re meant to live a life full of passion, purpose, magic and miracles.” ~ Roy T. Bennett As we make our...

Winter 2020
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening By Robert Frost Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will...

Happy New Year 2020
Happy New Year 2020 Not only are we welcoming in a new decade.... but winter has arrived in the northern hemisphere and it's a time to...

December 2019
Take the time to focus inward.... begin to set intentions and goals for the coming year ahead. Enjoy the holidays with friends and...

November 2019
October is gone..... November has arrived, and so have the mountains of leaves in our yards that now need to be raked up. Just think of...

Welcome Fall
The seasons change on Monday, (September 23, 2019) with the Northern Hemisphere moving into autumn and the South emerging from winter to...

September 2019
Where has the time gone? Where did summer go? It's September already and we have one more Yoga and Wine Event on Saturday, the 14th of...

August 2019
Hot and sultry weather continues to float through southern Idaho during these “dog days of summer”. Our exercise routines have become...

Summer 2019
Summer has finally arrived in the Northern Hemisphere and we are grateful for the heat and warmth she has provided. In our Friday...