Our Last week at Lewis & Clark
It's our last week at Lewis and Clark Elementary School in Caldwell, Idaho. It's been a great 3 1/2 months with the teachers & friends. ...
Spring has arrived....
Spring has arrived at my house….baskets of flowers, Easter grass , bunnies and eggs, decorate the main floor, along with pussy-willow and...
Free Yoga Class
FREE Yoga classes during Spring break week! If you are enjoying “Spring Break” this week here in Caldwell…. Then grab your friends and...
Make a list... relieve stress
I hope you had a chance to go outside and do a bit of yard work on Saturday…. It was a pretty nice day here in the valley, and like we...
Welcome March
Spring is just around the corner. I’m looking forward to warm weather and sunshine as the days lengthen and tiny flowering buds begin to...
A fabulous Opportunity...
The end of February…. Brings some new opportunities…As most of you know…I am teaching a Tuesday/Thursday late afternoon Yoga class at...
Muffin Recipe
Hi gang... here is the recipe you all have been asking for. You can choose to make it with granulated sugar as the original recipe...
Consistancy & self motivation
The Winter Olympics are in full swing now…we have enjoyed watching some of our young American athletes competing against other athletes...
Love & compassion
Happy Valentine’s Week….. with love and compassion in our hearts we make our way through the month of February, enjoying heart opening...
It's already February!
Happy Ground Hog’s Day….. really? Well, it just brings to mind the fact that we are still in the middle of “winter time”…. Cold and...